Spring Equinox and Gardening

Officially, the winter is over. That’s right, folks! Spring is here. The day becomes longer, the Sun shows its face more often, the mood gets more cheerful and it’s time to prepare your garden for the upcoming hot months.
Do you know what “equinox” means? It’s derived from the dead Latin language and it means “equal night”. You might have seen the word “nox” used as “poison”, too. Beautiful language. Basically, during the Equinox the Earth’s tilt towards the Sun is non-existent. Both the North and South poles are at an equal distance from the Sun.
But what does it mean for nature? It means life is becoming more active. Ladybugs are flying around, birds start singing their concertos in C#, green buds appear, flowers begin blooming, worms start exploring the ground once again. As an old saying goes, Spring equals rebirth. And hey, this is when your garden starts getting longer growing times! Longer days = more sun, right?
The period between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice provides fast growth to most plants. It is a good idea to use the given time as much as possible. Since most of us start waking up earlier (at least until the daylight savings become active), it’s a nice idea to spend the extra hours in the garden. Plus, the mornings are the best time to be in the garden. You are fresh, the air is crisp, it’s a bit cooler, it’s generally good for your health, if it’s not raining.
Our garden clearance service can be of great help if you wish to pick up gardening, or just wish to create more space for yourself, but have too much rubbish out there. Ah, I almost forgot. If the day is nigh for watering, use the morning hours. It’s also good to check on your plants to see if there are any problems and collect the produce (if ready) and flowers (if you want to). Insect activity is usually strong during the night, depending on the species, so the mornings are generally a great period to check your plants and catch the disease early. Some examples are rust on fuchsias and geraniums or black spots on roses. Usually disposing of the pest or just removing the diseased leaf can guarantee there will be no further problems. But sometimes, you have to resort to chemicals. Just be quick!
You should also be ready to deal with the hot days. If the forecast implies the day will be hot, take measures to protect the more sensitive plants. You can move the potted ones to a place with more shade, or creating a temporary shelter. Shadecloth is a perfect tool to have nearby. Sun is threatening to burn your flowers? Just string the cloth above them and you are all set. Keep in mind that strong sun reflection can also damage your plants.
Even if it isn’t your watering day, you should make sure the plants’ roots are moist and cool during the hottest days. Just dig several centimetres with your fingers and feel the soil. If it’s dry, water until it’s not.
We hope the season will be beneficial for you and your plants! If you need any help with clearing up your garden, don’t hesitate to call us.