World Christmas Temperatures 2016

Climate Change issues made sure that Christmas Temperatures around the World are getting warmer each winter.
The trend has been ongoing for quite a while but the effects have never been so obvious. Many places, that usually enjoy quite a bit of snow during Christmas season may not even get any.
Why is that?
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the average temperatures over all land and ocean surfaces warmed up approximately with 0.85 ºC from 1880 to 2012 and the main cause in called Global Warming.
Continents suffer the most from the global warming, because warming and cooling of the oceans is slower than land areas. IPCC discovered that the past three decades were the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years.
Rubbish Begone will provide you a comprehensive information about the Global Christmas temperatures in 2016.
Europe Temperatures in December
Covering only 2% of Earth’s surface Europe is the second smallest continent by surface area – only 3,930,000 sq mi. 40% of its area is covered by the largest of all 50 countries – Russia.
The smallest is Vatican city. The population of those 50 countries is about 739–743 million and is mainly Christian.
Back in the days Christmas was not celebrated officially. Even so the families managed to preserve the tradition and nowadays most of Europe celebrates the holiday in a western manner.
The Warmest and Coldest Christmas Temperatures in Europe
- Warmest – Malta | about 19°C
- Coldest – Minsk, Belarus | about -3 °C
Usually the warmest place on Christmas in Europe is Malta with about 19°C. Till recently Malta was a very traditionalist, closed society, holding on to strict moral standards.
Some places still do, but the good weather and appealing nature attracted many tourists, who somewhat managed to open people’s mind to the new.
The great mixture between Italian and Asian cuisine and the abidance to religion will be what will make Maltese’s Christmas extra special.
Brussels, the European Union’s capital will enjoy the pleasant 13°C. The city is bilingual – Dutch and French speaking, but most of the people there prefer French.
Whether people will greet with: “Joyeux Noël!” or “Gelukkig Kerstfeest!” it will be a Merry Christmas!
London – the international capital of modern art and culture. The capital of the mighty Great Britain and one of the most historically rich cities in the world.
One of the most popular tourist and business destination. And last, but not least, the place where most revolutions start.
That’s where, hopefully, the complex mixture of believes, cultures, ethnicities will get in spirit of kindness. The Christmas temperatures there will be mild, about 13°C, as in Brussels.
In the Netherlands capital Amsterdam the celebration of Christmas seems that will bring a lot of fun.
The temperature will be around 11°C, which is a bit cold, but Amsterdam is famous with the different kinds of entertainment, so the temperature impact won’t be big.
Additionally the white and red elements in the architecture and the extra green around will naturally add to the Christmas spirit.
Another international modern art capital is Berlin. Germany’s biggest city is popular also with its modern thinking and good education.
The Christmas temperatures of about 9°C will not be an issue for the accustomed and disciplined Germans.
In most homes the traditional german dishes, such as the delicious Black Forest gâteau dessert will be present. Some will prefer to celebrate out with friends in the famous electro music clubs or in a quiet restaurant.
The temperature in the romantic Paris will be only a bit higher than in Berlin 11.5 °C. France’s capital, always full of tourists is prefered destination in the Christmas season, too.
For the locals celebration probably will consist in the traditional Christmas Eve dinner – a feast of sophisticated french dishes.
For the tourist there is so much to be seen, that it would rather be a feast of the mind.
Same Christmas temperatures as in Paris are expected in Madrid, 11.5 °C.
The capital of the warm-hearted, musical, welcoming Spaniards. Lovers of the warm weather the strongly religious nation will celebrate in their homes with the families.
Those too far and the tourists may gather on Plaza del Sol for a group celebration and after visit one of the great restaurants, pubs or clubs around for a full Spanish feast or just a cerveza.
By both area and population the Vatican is the smallest internationally recognized independent state.
Ruled by the Bishop of Rome – the Pope, the city is an ecclesiastical or sacerdotal-monarchical state.
Although a week before the holidays the temperature is not very predisposing being under 0°C, on the Christmas day it will rise up to 15°C.
With the famous Vatican Christmas Tree in front of the the Christmas celebration in vatican city will be as faithful as suspected.
Christmas Temperatures in Asia
Asia, the most populous and largest continent on Earth is divided into 48 countries.
The climate is a great mix – ranging from equatorial in the south, temperate in the east and continental to vast subarctic and polar.
The Warmest and Coldest Christmas Temperatures in Asia
- Warmest – Bangkok, Thailand | about 33°C
- Coldest – Verkhoyansk, Russia | about – 47 °C
More than one-eighth of the Earth’s inhabited land area is covered by Russia. You can imagine that in its different parts the weather will vary widely.
Fortunately in the famous for its low temperatures Siberia aren’t many to celebrate Christmas – partly because the area is not densely populated at all.
Siberia’s estimated temperature for the holidays is the freezing -47°C in Verkhoyansk located in the Northeast of Russia.
Although Moscow is located on the European continent, talking about Russia, we can’t omit it. The temperature in the one of the largest cities in the world will be below 0°C and possibly snowy.
The warmest part of Russia – Sochi, located on the Black Sea coast – will reach about 15°C.
Timor-Leste or East Timor is a small, not so popular country in the very south part of Asia, that was colonized in the 16th century by Portugal.
In 1999 Indonesia relinquished control over its lands and it is the first country to became a sovereign state in the 21st century.
The Portuguese and Tetum speaking nation is one of the few in Asia, that will celebrate Christmas at about 30°C.
Known for their particular dishes are different historical regions: good examples are the meat dumplings called khinkali, which are Georgia’s signature dish and khachapuri – a kind of cheese filled bread.
Surely the mild temperature of 10°C will offer Georgians the opportunity to celebrate the Christmas day combining their traditional dishes with the custom ones.
Located next to Georgia in Armenia the Christmas temperature will be similar 9.5°C.
Armenia’s cuisine is as ancient as is its culture – astonishing combination of different tastes and aromas.
Obviously such a notion will definitely celebrate Christmas and will not miss the opportunity to enrich the Christmas feast with traditional dishes.
Situated far in the south of Asia, the Philippines will enjoy much higher temperatures – about 30°C.
A preferred tourist destination, for Christmas the country can offer to its visitors to try the traditional cuisine – a mixture of Hispanic, Chinese, American, and other Asian influences.
Local will also have for the holidays the elaborate feasts dishes paellas and cocidos.
Cyprus, the Greek, Turkish and English speaking country will celebrate the Christmas holidays at the pleasant 16.5°C and the weather will be sunny.
As a major Mediterranean tourist destination it will offer not only great weather, but amazing seafood and fish dishes.
Australia and Oceania Climate Conditions Around Christmas Holidays
Without doubt the smallest world continent Australia is one of the most distinct and captivating places on the planet.
Many of the geography experts consider that Australia, a long established continent now to be more precisely defined as Australia/Oceania.
In that case it combines Papua, New Guinea and all of Australia, as well as volcanic islands and the thousands coral atolls of the South Pacific Ocean – the Melanesia and Polynesia groups included.
The Warmest and Coldest Christmas Temperatures in Australia and Oceania
- Warmest – Papua, New Guinea | about 33°C
- Coldest – Wellington, New Zealand | about 16 °C
Papua, New Guinea
Papua, New Guinea (Oceanic country) is one of the most diverse in the world with 848 languages listed, of which 12 have no living speakers.
Its population of 7 millions lives in customary communities as diverse as the spoken languages. Only 18% of the population lives in urban areas, which makes the country also one of the most rural in the world.
Papua, New Guinea also holds the first place in the world for the most unexplored country. It is on the first place for the highest Christmas temperature of 33°C in Australia/Oceania too.
The 6th largest country in the world Australia is going to enjoy a merry Christmas.
The range of temperatures: from the lowest 22°C in Hobart, on the Tasmanian island, through the 26°C in the biggest Australian city Sydney and 29°C in the capital – Canberra; to 35°C in Adelaide in the South part of Australia.
Temperatures will surely keep the spirits high, but the fact that Australia is one of the most rich countries in the world (on the 12th place) will be of help, too.
New Zealand
The capital of New Zealand – Wellington will be one of the coldest places around Christmas in Oceania.
The Christmas temperature there will be the actually nice: 16°C. Because the country is so remote it was of the last ones to be explored and settled by humans.
New Zealand’s nation is very forward-thinking and open-minded. The country does fairly well economic-wise and it’s market economy is dominated by the export of dairy products, meat and wine – the main ingredients for a great Christmas feast.
North America Christmas Temperatures
The celebration of Christmas in North America will include most of 565 million people, who reside there.
In Alaska and Canada the Christmas season could be accompanied by the amazing Northern lights – nature’s gift of hope to us.
The Warmest and Coldest Christmas Temperatures North America
- Warmest – Mexico | about 31°C
- Coldest – Canadian Resolute Bay | about – 37 °C
The Spanish speaking Mexico will be the warmest part of North America during the Christmas holidays.
Among the music and Mafia Mexico is also famous with their mexican cuisine.
Mexicans will be able to celebrate at the usual high Christmas temperatures of about 31°C.
In Nicaragua, another North-american country that will enjoy high Christmas temperatures.
These joyful nation will celebrate the holidays at the average temperature of 30 °C.
Nicaraguans are worldly famous for their quality rum and eating guinea pigs, tapirs, iguanas, turtle eggs, armadillos and boas.
The most desired tourist destination Hawaii will enjoy the pleasant 29 °C for the holidays.
A lot of Americans, especially those, who live in the colder northern parts of the country will leave their homes to change the scenery a bit for Christmas.
The local people still keep the traditional mythology in their hearts which turns the Christmas celebrations into an interesting tourist attractions.
Las Vegas
Another very famous tourist destination – Las Vegas, located in the hot desert of Nevada will celebrate the holidays at about 10 °C.
Most possibly the casinos will be housing the biggest Christmas celebration. Of course many people live there and will follow the tradition to gather with their families to dine together.
Niagara Falls
The most populous Canadian city Toronto will enjoy quite a warm Christmas, unusual for the chilly region of Ontario.
The remarkable nature surrounding the city is perfect for a quiet celebration. Visiting the Niagara Falls is what will take it to the next level.
Finding the perfect tree seems not to be a problem, but the predicted average temperature of 10 °C might prove to shorten the tree’s durance.
Resolute Bay
Again in Canada, but much more on the north is located the coldest place in North America and one of the coldest in the world – Resolute Bay.
Its freezing Christmas temperatures of – 37 °C will affect small number of people, mostly working for the Research Telecommunications Establishment (DRTE) and the Communications Research Centre.
They could be the first to encounter Santa and spread the word.
Christmas Holiday Temperatures in South America
Mainly located in the Southern Hemisphere – South America won’t experience such drastic temperature variations on Christmas. It’s population of about 400 million people is known for their strong desire to celebrate life.
Culturally and historically rich the Andes whisper ancient myths and legends, gently mixing with the modern ones, especially around Christmas.
Amazon, Orinoco and Parana rivers add more adventurous stories to the mix and the result is fascinating.
One can hardly think of a more magical place dominated by nature’s miracles. The warmth of the weather fully coincides with the warmth of people’s hearts.
The Warmest and Coldest Christmas Temperatures North America
- Warmest – Colombia | about 35°C
- Coldest – Bolivia | about 11 °C
The Christmas temperature is estimated to be around 35 °C, mostly sunny.
Instead of the exotic cape gooseberry, feijoa, arazá, dragon fruit, mangostino, granadilla, papaya, guava, lulo, soursop and passionfruit – we at the northern countries are excited about, Colombians could diversify their Christmas feasts with apples, prunes and pears.
Rio de Janeiro
In the Brazilian biggest city and the world’s 9th biggest city – Rio de Janeiro Christmas will be celebrated differently than in Europe or USA.
They respect so much the Christmas Eve celebration, that even public transportation stops in the evening and all the shops close the latest at 8 p.m., even McDonald’s.
In the Lagoon there is a big firework party. Everyone seems to be in a party mood, not surprisingly, having in mind the perfect temperature of 31°C.
The very famous from novels and movies Peruvian city Machu Picchu Pueblo is going to enjoy a warm holiday season.
The middle-month temperatures got down to 10 °C, but not to worry Christmas temperatures will rise up to 26 °C.
Christmas Temperatures in Africa
Let’s see how people in Africa will celebrate Christmas and will they do so at all? Africa scores second highest on acreage and population in the world.
The Warmest and Coldest Christmas Temperatures Africa
- Warmest – Angola | about 31°C
- Coldest – Rwanda | about 21 °C
Sao Tome and Principe
In the second smallest country in Africa – São Tomé and Príncipe – Christmas will be welcomed by the Portuguese speaking nation at 29 °C.
The Central-African Democratic Republic of the Congo is the opposite of São Tomé and Principe.
The second largest country by area in Africa will be celebrating Christmas Holidays at about 30 °C.
Bordering the Atlantic ocean, the former Portuguese colony Angola has a territory twice as big as France, so people there will have various Christmas temperatures.
In the capital Luanda the temperatures on the 24th of December will reach 30.5 °C.
Rwanda’s people will enjoy a quiet warm for us, Europeans Christmas day at about 21°C in Kigali.
Interesting Fact: For Africa that’s pretty much the coldest it gets on that day!
Equatorial Guinea
The Seychelles archipelago, a desired vacation destination will probably have a few guests for the holidays.
In the capital Victoria both the citizens and the tourists will enjoy the melting Christmas temperature of 30 °C.
The former Spanish colony Equatorial guinea, one of the largest oil-producers, seems that will celebrate the Christmas day lavishly at 30°C in Malabo.